I have built a script to create holiday sets for Lync Response Groups and apply them. Its a pretty manual process gathering all the holidays for a particular year and entering those details in to the script. If your Lync deployment happens to be in New Zealand then I have already done the hard work for you for 2014 🙂
Set your Lync pool:
I have split the script in to 2 sections – The first section creates the holidays and the second applies the holidays to a specified response group:
I have split national holidays and regional holidays so you will need to specify which regional holiday you want to apply to a response group in addition to the national holidays:
Its pretty crude and I do hope to make it a little more automated in the future.
Any questions let me know.
Hi Andrew,
Do you have the Lync Holiday Schedule.ps1 script for 2017 for New Zealand?
I haven’t put one together yet. This tool will make it easy for you as it supports CSV import and assigning to Response Groups – https://ucgeek.co/admin-tools/