There may be situations where you need to disable audio/video telephony in the Lync client. This is particularly useful where you want to deploy Lync in a terminal services/session host environment, and don’t want users to be able to answer audio/video calls. The result in the Lync client is the removal of any audio/video settings or actions. Additionally inbound audio video call notifications will not be receive.
To disable telephony the following registry key needs to be added:
1 2 3 |
Reg Add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftOffice15.0Lync" /V "TelephonyMode" /D 5 /T REG_DWORD /F |

Note: You can also add this to HKEY_CURRENT_USER
You can also do this manually in regedit. You will first need to create the keys Office -> 15.0 -> Lync, then a DWORD with the following values:
Other Options
0: PC to PC Calls only (default)
1: Enterprise Voice
2: Remote Call Control
3: Enterprise Voice with PBX Integration
4: RCC but PC to PC disabled
5: IM & Presence Only
(sorry if this is a duplicate comment): Are you aware of any way to disable Lync Call without disabling Video capability? My company wants to use a third-party product (Avaya) to manage calling from Lync, but wants to keep Lync's video options in the UI. Having both Lync Call and the Avaya add-in visible to the user would be confusing to say the least.
Hi Ellen,
I have the exact same requirement as we want to keep voice and audio conferencing on our legacy ShoreTel system for now, but use Lync/SfB for IM, web conferencing, and video. Did you ever find a solution?
Hey Ellen, Cant say I have had that requirement before so I'm not sure. Here are the options available toTelephonyMode:
0: PC to PC Calls only (default)
1: Enterprise Voice
2: Remote Call Control
3: Enterprise Voice with PBX Integration
4: RCC but PC to PC disabled
5: IM & Presence Only
Doesn't appear to be a Video only option but you could try PC to PC only.
Let me know how you get on.
Thank you so much. It works.
After a long search you helped really …….. Wow
No problem, glad it helped!
Hello. Will this work for Skype for Business Online? Thanks!
Howdy, this is a client side setting so I would imagine that it would work. Let me know how you get on!
Useful information. Microsoft kept pointing me at Powershell to set per-user restrictions in Office 365. Doesn’t help for ease of administration when we just need to control video & voice call access based on which system a users logs into & which AD group they are in.
This reg key did the trick nicely (Tested with S4B 2016 connecting to Office365), though, and is easy to target with GPOs – many thanks!
One question, though – I’m sure I remember seeing a GPO template in the past that had the option to restrict Lync call capabilities, and the fact this setting is under policies would seem to back that up, but I can’t find that. Do you know if sucha template existed, or am I just imagining things?
Hey! Yes you would be correct. I used them heavily in the days of Office Communications Server, but they are not required anymore, and I don’t even think they exist. What was handled by GPO has found its way in to the in-band configuration e.g. ClientPolicy. Because of this there is only the odd thing you need to do manually.