The Skype for Business 2015 Deployment Step by Step will walk you through the process of installing Skype for Business Server 2015. The guide is suitable for beginners to experts and is split in to easy to navigate sections. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please get in touch using the comments section below.
See the following links for more information on the other deployment options:
- Skype for Business In-Place Upgrade Step by Step
- Skype for Business Migration Step by Step (From Lync 2010 or Lync 2013)
Tip: Click each section to expand and contract its content
Hardware Prerequisites
Microsoft recommends the following minimum requirements for Front End Servers, Back End Servers, Standard Edition Servers, Persistent Chat Servers, and Persistent Chat Store and Persistent Chat Compliance Store (Back End Server Roles for Persistent Chat Server):
- Dual CPU with 6 Cores, 2.26GHz
- 32Gb Ram
- 72Gb Disk Space
- 1GHz Network adapter
Microsoft recommends the following minimum requirements for Edge Servers, Standalone Mediation Servers, and Directors:
- Dual CPU with 4 Cores, 2GHz
- 16Gb Ram
- 72Gb Disk Space
- 1GHz Network adapter
In reality these can be much less depending on the number of users and activity. To give you an example for a deployment of 500 users, a Skype for Business Front End will happily run as follows:
- Single CPU with 4 Cores, 2.26GHz
- 12Gb Ram
- 72Gb Disk Space
- 1GHz Network adapter
Software Prerequisites
In this section you will find the software requirements for Skype for Business Server, including Windows Server and its required prerequisites, and SQL server.
Server Operating Systems
Before you get started you will need to decide on and operating system and install some prerequisites. Skype for Business is supported on Server 2016, 2008R2, 2012, and 2012R2. It is highly recommend that you choose Server 2012 or newer unless you have good reasons to use 2008R2, such as performing an in-place upgrade from Lync 2013 which is already running on 2008R2. In any case ensure you have the latest service packs and updates applied.
Why 2012 or newer?
Windows Fabric v3 is supported on these newer operating systems, which brings some significant improvements over v2. Also, Windows Server 2008 R2 reached the end of the mainstream support lifecycle on 1/13/2015.
Make it easy!
Use Pat Richards prerequisites script.
Prerequisites for all Skype for Business roles
- Apply all Windows Updates ensuring the following are included:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 – Install via Server Manager Features on Server 2012+ or get it here
- Windows PowerShell 3.0 (included with Server 2012+) – get it here
Tip: You should be on build version 6.2.9200.0 or greater. Run $PSVersionTable to check - Windows Identity Foundation 3 – Install via Server Manager Features on Server 2012+ or get it here
- AD DS and AD LDS tools – install from Server Manager Features (under Remote Administration Tools -> Role Administration Tools)
Make it easy!
If you’re installing on Server 2012 or Server 2012R2, run the following PowerShell commands to install the required features:
Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core, RSAT-ADDS, Windows-Identity-Foundation, BITS -Source <source e.g. D:sourcessxs>
Tip: If you have internet access you do not need to specify the BITS source
Tip: If you are upgrading a Server 2008R2 server you should already have these prerequisites installed
Additional Prerequisites for Front End Servers
- Enable .NET 4.5 WCF Services -> HTTP Activation from Server Manager Features
- .NET 3.5
- Installed by default with Server 2008 R2
- Server 2012+ – install from Server Manager Features, and point to the installation media (specifically the sourcessxs folder) if asked for it (installation media may not be required if you have internet access on your server)
- Media Foundation/Desktop Experience – install from Server Manager Features
- Server 2012+ install Media Foundation
- Server 2008R2 install Desktop Experience
- SilverLight (Required for the Skype for Business Control Panel) – get it here
- Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- HTTP Errors
- Static Content
- Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Logging Tools
- Tracing
- Performance
- Static Content Compression
- Dynamic Content Compression
- Security
- Request Filtering
- Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
- Windows Authentication
- Application Development
- .NET Extensibility 3.5
- .NET Extensibility 4.5
- ASP.NET 3.5
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extensions
- ISAPI Filters
- Management Tools
- IIS Management Console
- IIS Management Scripts and Tools
- Common HTTP Features
Make it easy!
If you’re installing on Server 2012+, Run the following PowerShell commands to install the required features:
Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core, RSAT-ADDS, Windows-Identity-Foundation, Web-Server, Web-Static-Content, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Asp-Net, Web-Net-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Filtering, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Dyn-Compression, NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Compat, Server-Media-Foundation, BITS -Source <source e.g. D:sourcessxs>
Tip: If you have internet access you do not need to specify the BITS source
Tip: If you are upgrading a Server 2008R2 server you should already have these prerequisites installed
Additional Prerequisites for Persistent Chat Servers
- Message Queuing (MSMQ) – Install from Server Manager
Additional Prerequisites for Directors
- Common HTTP Features
- Default Document
- HTTP Errors
- Static Content
- Health and Diagnostics
- HTTP Logging
- Logging Tools
- Tracing
- Performance
- Static Content Compression
- Security
- Request Filtering
- Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
- Windows Authentication
- Application Development
- .NET Extensibility 3.5
- .NET Extensibility 4.5
- ASP.NET 3.5
- ASP.NET 4.5
- ISAPI Extension
- ISAPI Filters
- Common HTTP Features
Make it easy!
If you’re installing on Server 2012+, run the following PowerShell commands to prepare your Front End Server server:
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS, Web-Server, Web-Static-Content, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Asp-Net, Web-Net-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Filtering, Web-Stat-Compression, NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Compat, BITS -Source <source e.g. D:sourcessxs>
Tip: If you a have internet access you do not need to specify the BITS source
Tip: If you are upgrading a Server 2008R2 server you should already have these prerequisites installed
Additional Prerequisites for Edge Servers
Because Edge servers are not domain joined, they require that you manually specify a DNS suffix for the server e.g. do this:
- Open the servers System Properties (Control PanelSystem and SecuritySystem)
- Select “Change Settings:
- Select “Change”
- Select “More”
- Under “Primary DNS suffix of this computer”, enter the DNS suffix. The server name together with the DNS suffix should match what you have defined in the topology builder. e.g.
SQL Server
A backend SQL Server is required for Enterprise Edition pools as well Monitoring, Archiving, and the Call Quality Dashboard (CQD).
- Ensure you are running the latest service packs and updates
- The Monitoring and Archiving role requires SQL Reporting Service
- The Call Quality Dashboard (CQD) requires SQL Analytics Service
Overview of SQL high availability options:
Tip: SQL Server Reporting Services for the Monitoring Server role isn’t going to be supported with SQL Always on until post-RTM
Other Environmental Requirements
Outside of the hardware and software requirements there are environmental requirements to consider.
Active Directory
Supported Domain Controllers:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2008
Domain and Forest Functional Level:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2003
Support Active Directory Topologies:
- Single forest with single domain
- Single forest with a single tree and multiple domains
- Single forest with multiple trees and disjoint namespaces
- Multiple forests in a central forest topology
- Multiple forests in a resource forest topology
- Multiple forests in a Skype for Business resource forest topology with Exchange Online
DNS is required to resolve friendly names to IP address and is a requirement for Skype for Business. For more information see here.
A public key infrastructure (PKI) for transport layer security (TLS) and mutual transport layer security (MTLS) connections. Basically, to communicate securely in a standardized way, Skype for Business Server uses certificates issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs).
File Share
- A file share needs to be on either direct attached storage (DAS) or a storage area network (SAN), and this includes the Distributed File System (DFS)
- Distributed File System (DFS) is supported
- The file share for Skype for Business Server shouldn’t (but can) be located on the Front End server or the server running SQL Server
Network Requirements
- If you are deploying a single Edge Server or an Edge pool using DNS load balancing, you can configure the external firewall to perform network address translation (NAT). You can’t configure the internal firewall to perform NAT
- If you use Internet Protocol security (IPsec), we recommend disabling IPsec over the port ranges used for A/V traffic – details here
To provide optimal media quality, do the following:
- 65 kilobits per second (Kbps) per audio stream and 500 Kbps per video stream – A two-way audio or video session uses two streams
- To cope with unexpected spikes in traffic and increased usage over time, Skype for Business Server media endpoints can adapt to varying network conditions, supporting three times the throughput for audio and video while still maintaining acceptable quality. In an under-provisioned network, the ability of the Skype for Business Server media endpoints to dynamically deal with varying network conditions is reduced
- For network links where provisioning is very costly and difficult, you may have to consider provisioning for a lower volume of traffic. In this scenario you can let the elasticity of the Skype for Business Server media endpoints absorb the difference at the cost of some reduction in the voice quality
- Consider disabling video for certain users where bandwidth is limited
- Provision the network to guarantee a maximum end-to-end delay (latency) of 150 milliseconds (ms) under peak load. Latency is the one network impairment that Skype for Business Server media components can’t reduce
- For servers that are running antivirus software, include all servers that are running Skype for Business Server in the exception list to provide optimal performance and audio quality
Now that you understand the requirements, lets get deploying!
Create File Share
- Log on to the computer that will host the file share (you may also use a DFS fileshare, which is recommended for Enterprise pools inparticular)
- Right-click the folder you plan to share, and select Properties
- Select the Sharing tab, select “Advanced Sharing”, then tick “Share this folder”:
- Select “Permissions” and make sure the account you will use to publish the topology has “Full Control” permissions:
When the Topology is published the required NTFS and share permissions will be added
Install Administration Tools
- Start setup (Setupamd64setup.exe) from your Skype for Business media and follow the prompts to install the Core Components
- During installation you can choose whether or not you want to check for product updates before installing:
- Once installed run the “Skype for Business Server 2015 Deployment Wizard” and select “Install Administration Tools”:
- Once installed you should have the following management tools:
Prepare Active Directory
Tip: Run “NetDOM /query FSMO” from the command prompt to get the Active Directory FSMO roles.
Start the Deployment Wizard and select “Prepare Active Directory”:
There are 3 steps that need to be completed and verified – schema updates, forest prep and domain prep:
Step 1 – Prepare Schema
To prepare the Active Directory Schema for Skype for Business, login as a user with Schema Admin rights.
You can also run this step in PowerShell – Enable-CsAdServerSchema
Step 2 – Verify replication of schema partition
- Log on to the domain controller for the domain.
- Open ADSI Edit from the Tools drop-down menu in Server Manager.
- On the Action menu, click Connect to.
- In the Connection Settings dialog box under Select a well known Naming Context, select Schema, and then click OK.
- Under the schema container, search for CN=ms-RTC-SIP-SchemaVersion. If this object exists, and the value of the rangeUpperattribute is 1150 and the value of the rangeLower attribute is 3, the schema was successfully updated and replicated. If this object does not exist or the values of the rangeUpper and rangeLower attributes are not as specified, the schema was not modified or has not replicated.
Step 3 – Prepare Current Forest
To prepare the Active Directory Forest for Skype for Business, login as a user with Enterprise Admin rights.
You will be asked to specify where you would like to create the security groups for the deployment. Typically this would be in the root domain of the forest.
You can also run this step in PowerShell – Enable-CsAdForest -GroupDomain <domain to create security groups>
Tip: By using the parameter GlobalSettingsDomainController, you can indicate where global settings are stored. If your settings are stored in the System container (which is typical with upgrade deployments that have not had the global setting migrated to the Configuration container), you define a domain controller in the root of your AD DS forest. If the global settings are in the Configuration container (which is typical with new deployments or upgrade deployments where the settings have been migrated to the Configuration container), you define any domain controller in the forest. If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet assumes that the settings are stored in the Configuration container and refers to any domain controller in Active Directory.
Step 4 – Verify Replication
From PowerShell run Get-CsAdForest
If the result is LC_FORESTSETTINGS_STATE_READY, the forest has successfully been prepared
Step 5 – Prepare Current Domain
To prepare the Active Directory Forest for Skype for Business, login as a user with Domain Admin or Enterprise Admin rights.
You can also run this step in PowerShell – Enable-CsAdDomain –Domain <domain to prepare>
Step 6 – Verify Replication
From PowerShell run Get-CsAdDomain
If the result is LC_DOMAINSETTINGS_STATE_READY, the domain has successfully replicated.
Once you have completed all steps they should be marked as “Complete”:
Tip: After Active Directory preparation has completed it’s a good time to add the CSadministrator role to user account that will be performing the installation as well as any other account that will require full access to Lync. It is also worth adding RTCUniversalServerAdmins to the installation account.
Create DNS Records
Create the DNS records required to support the topology. Ensure that DNS round robin is enabled for DNS load balancing.
DNS configuration example coming soon.
Define and Publish Topology
- If this is an Enterprise Edition pool, you are creating the Central Management Store database the first time you publish a new topology on an existing backend SQL server.
- If this is Standard Edition, you will need to run the Prepare First Standard Edition Server process from the Deployment Wizard before you publish a topology. This prepares for Standard Edition by installing a SQL Server Express Edition instance and creating the Central Management Store.
If have another version of Lync installed then you will need to follow the upgrade or migration path, and will need to select “Download Topology from existing deployments”. For more information select one of the following links:
- Skype for Business In-Place Upgrade Step by Step
- Skype for Business Migration Step by Step (From Lync 2010 or Lync 2013)
Prepare First Standard Edition Server
From the Deployment Wizard select “Prepare first Standard Edition server” and follow the steps:
Create a new topology
- Open the “Skype for Business Topology Builder”
- Select New Topology, and click OK:
- Select a location and file name for the topology configuration file
- On the Define the primary domain screen, enter the primary SIP domain, and click Next. In this example, we are using contoso.local, as shown in the figure:
- Add any additional supported SIP domains, and then click Next:
- Enter a Name and Description for the first site (location), and then click Next, as shown in the figure:
- Enter the City, State/Province, and Country/Region Code for the site, and then click Next:
- Click Finish to complete the process of defining a new topology. Make sure “Open the new Front End Wizard when this wizard closes” is ticked so the Front End Wizard launches automatically
Enterprise Edition Pool or Standard Edition Server
Skype for Business Server Enterprise Edition can include multiple servers working together to provide the Front End role. When multiple servers are used to fulfill the role, it is called a pool. Standard Edition can include only a single server to provide the Front End role. It is common to refer to the Front End pool even if only a single server is providing the role; the pool FQDN would be the FQDN of the Standard Edition server.You can define a Front End server pool from the Topology Builder by right clicking “Standard Edition Front End pools” or “Enterprise Edition Front End pools” and selecting “New Front End Pool”:
You also have the option during the Create New Topology wizard to automatically start Define New Front End Pool wizard. Select the “Open the New Front End Wizard…” tick box:
The screenshots in the following example are from a Standard Edition deployment, however the process is very similar and the differences will be called out.
- Review the wizard prerequisites, and then click Next
- Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool or Standard Edition server and select either Enterprise Edition Front End Pool or Standard Edition Server, and then click Next:
- If you chose an Enterprise Edition pool you’ll need to enter the FQDN’s of all computers in the pool, and then click Next
- Select the features that will be included in this topology, and then click Next:
- On the Select collocated server roles page, you can choose to collocate the Mediation server on the Front End server, or you can deploy it as a standalone server later:
- If you want to associate an Edge server now you can define it now (see below to learn more about this process)
- Next, you will define the SQL Server store that will be used with the topology. In this example, we don’t need to do anything since we are using a Standard Edition server which hosts its own SQL server locally. For Enterprise Edition pools we would select or define a backend SQL server. For more information about SQL Server features see here.
- Define the file share that you want to use. The file share needs to be preconfigured before you publish the topology as discussed in the prerequisites section (Other Environmental Requirements -> File Share. Define a new file share, in the File Server FQDN box, enter the FQDN of the existing file server where the file share is to reside, and then enter a name for the file share in the File Share box:
- Specify the internal and external Web Services URL
- For an Enterprise Edition pool you must decide if you need to override the internal Web Services Base URL. The reason for this override has to do with load balancing; If you do not override the URL, both SIP traffic and HTTP(S) web traffic will use the pool FQDN. SIP traffic can be load balanced using DNS load balancing, however web services must use a supported Hardware or Software load balancing solution, and thus you must override to separate the DNS load balanced components from the web services
- For a Standard Edition server there is no need to override the internal URL since there is only one server
- The External Base URL is the FQDN for the externally available web services which will be published via the reverse proxy
- If you selected Conferencing on the Select Features page, you will be asked to select an Office Web Apps server. Click New to launch the dialog box:
- In the Define New Office Web Apps Server dialog box, type the FQDN of your Office Web Apps.
- If the Office Web Apps server is installed on-premises, and in the same network zone as Skype for Business Server, do not select the “Office Web Apps Server is deployed in an external network (that is, perimeter/Internet)”
- If the Office Web Apps server is deployed outside your internal firewall, select the option “Office Web Apps Server is deployed in an external network (that is, perimeter/Internet)”:
- If you chose to enable Archiving you will be asked to select or define a SQL server store
- Select New if you need to define a new SQL server store
- If you chose to enable Monitoring you will be asked to select or define a SQL server store. You can use the same SQL server store define for Monitoring, or select New to define one as we did in the step above:
- You should now be a the end of the wizard, select “Finish” to complete the process.
Edge Server

You also have the option during New Front End Pool wizard to automatically start New Edge Pool wizard. Select the “Enable an Edge pool…” tick box:
Then select the “New” button”:
Defining Edge Server
- If you chose a multi-server pool you’ll need to enter the FQDN’s of all computers in the pool, and then click Next
- Enable the federation features that you require
- Choose whether you will use single or multiple public IP addressesTip: If you have 3 public IP addresses available, I would strongly recommend the multiple IP option. Choosing this option allows you to run Access Edge, Conferencing Edge and Audio Video Edge on port 443. If you choose a single IP this is not possible, and could cause issues communicating with companies that have strict outbound firewall policies.
- Select IPv4 and IPv6 options (IPv4 is covered by this article) and whether you require NAT on the public side:
- Define your externally resolvable FQDN’s for the Access Edge. Conferencing Edge and Audio Video Edge services.If you chose to use multiple IP’s you can define all 3 of these distinctly. Port 443 is recommended for all services:
Otherwise you only need define the Access Edge FQDN and ports. The default ports are a good compromise if you only have a single IP address:
- Define your Edge servers internal IP address (this must not use NAT!):
- Define the public IP addresses for each service. If you are not using NAT enter the public IP addresses:
If you are using NAT enter the private IP address that the public IP will be NAT’ed to:
If you are using NAT you will also need to enter the actual Public IP address of the Audio Video service:
- Select the Front End server pool that will be the next hop for the Edge server pool:
- You may also be asked to associate the Edge server pool to any Mediation Pools you have:
- You should now be at the end of the Wizard, select “Finish”
Configure Simple URL's
Simple URL’s will be configured by default, however you may wish to make changes to these to meet you specific requirements. Additionally it can be useful to define an Administrative access URL to make it easy to remember the URL to the Skype for Business Control Panel.
- In Topology Builder, right-click the Skype for Business Server top node, and then click Edit Properties, as shown in the figure
- In the Simple URLs pane, select either Phone access URLs: (Dial-in) or Meeting URLs: (Meet) to edit, and then click Edit URL
- Update the URL to the value you want, and then click OK to save the edited URL. You should configure the simple URL using the external SIP domain so that external users can join meetings, for example,, which is external, as opposed to contoso.local, which is an internal domain. Thus, the SIP domain should be able to be resolved by external DNS
- Edit the Meet URL by using the same steps, if necessary
- In the Administrative access URL box, enter the simple URL you want for administrative access to Skype for Business Server Control Panel, and then click OK.
Publish Topology
Now we are ready to publish the topology to the Central Management Store.When you publish the topology for the first time the databases are created – This would be a backend SQL server for an Enterprise pool or a local SQL instance on a Standard Edition server. One of these databases, named XDS, holds data for the Central Management Store (CMS). This is an important database because it holds Lync Servers Topology, policy and configuration information. A replica copy of the XDS database is located locally on each Lync Server role as an instance of SQL Server Express named “RTCLOCAL”‘.Permissions required to publish the topology
- Permissions required to publish the topology – see here
- Delegate Setup Permissions (if you do not want to grant the setup account Domain Admin rights) – see here
- Permissions required for SQL – see here
Publish the Topology
- From the Topology Builder right click the top node of the tree and select “Publish Topology”:
- Select “Next”
- Select the Front End pool that will host the Central Management Store:
- You can optionally select the “Advanced” button if you need to define the database instance or file locations:
- Next you will be presented with an option create your databases. Make sure you have the required permissions to run this step. If you don’t untick this option and ask someone who does to run this step later:
- Select Next to start publishing the topology:
Install Servers
Once the topology has been published you are ready to install the Skype for Business Server roles on your pre-built servers. One of the nice things about Skype for Business Server is the ease in which this is done. All you need to do is run the installer and work through the wizards. Each server will contact the Central Management Store (CMS) to learn the role it lays in the topology. With this information the required components will be installed.Install Servers
For each server in the topology you need to install the Core Components and run the Deployment Wizard.
- Start setup (Setupamd64setup.exe) from your Skype for Business media and follow the prompts to install the Core Components
- During installation you can choose whether or not you want to check for product updates before installing
- Once installed run the “Skype for Business Server 2015 Deployment Wizard” and select “Install or Update Skype for Business Server System”:
There are 4 key steps that are required to install Skype for Business
Step 1 – Install Local Configuration Store
Running the first step installs the Local Configuration Store (a local copy of the Central Management Store).Tip: For this step to work, the servers FQDN must match its role as defined in the topology. Because Edge servers are not domain joined you’ll need to make sure you have given the server a DNS suffix as described in the prerequisites section for Edge Servers (Software Prerequisites -> Server Operating Systems -> Additional Prerequisites for Edge Servers).
- For the internal domain joined servers select “Retrieve directly from the Central Management Store…”.
- For the Edge servers select “Import from a file…”. You will need to export the topology to file, then copy it across to the Edge server. To export the the topology run Export-csconfiguration -filename from PowerShell.
Step 2 – Setup or Remove Skype for Business Components
Step 3 – Request, Install or Assign Certificates
You need to create a server certificate and OAuth certificate.
- Highlight the certificate you wish to create and then select “Request”:
- Complete the certificate request form:
- Select “Next”, then “Next” again
- You will be presented with an option to assign the certificate. Select this option to assign the requested certificate:
- Select “Next” then “Finish”
- Repeat for the OAuth certificate
- You should now have met the certificate requirements for the server
Step 4 – Start Services
You are now ready to start your Skype for Business services. Open Skype for Business Server Management Shell and run the following command:Start-CsPool -PoolFQDN <pool FQDN>
Open Services and check that all services are in a running state:
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