Skype for Business Hotfix – The update is not applicable to your computer

If you receive the following message during the installation of Skype for Business, you will need to resolve this requirement.

“Prerequisite not satisfied: Before you install Skype for Business Server 2015, you must Install an update for Windows Server 2012 R2. For details about the update, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2982006, IIS crashes occasionally when a request is sent to a default document in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2”

Download the hotfix here.

If you receive the following error when running this hotfix, the may be some prerequisites required specifically to install this hotfix:

“Windows Update Standalone Installer: The update is not applicable to your computer”

Windows Update may even show that your server is already up to date, but you’re still likely to have to install these manually. You can confirm a missing prerequisite using the Windows Event Viewer e.g:

“Windows update could not be installed because of error 2149842967 when running the file KB2982006-x64.msu”

Looking at this in a comical way: To install Skype for Business you must install KB2982006, but to install KB2982006 you require KB2919355, and to install KB2919355 you need KB2919442. Each time you try to install a prerequisite without its own prerequisite being met, you will receive the very helpful error “The update is not applicable to your computer”.

So to ensure smooth sailing, install things in the following order:

  1. KB2919442
  2. KB2919355
  3. KB2982006

Happy installing!



Andrew Morpeth
Andrew Morpeth
Andrew is a Modern Workplace Consultant specialising in Microsoft technologies based in Auckland, New Zealand; Andrew is a Director and Professional Services Manager at Lucidity Cloud Services and a Microsoft MVP.

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  1. Worth sharing that if you’ve previously installed Skype, then updated the server several times over, you may find this patch has been superseded and removed, and can no longer be installed even though you have the pre-requisite patches mentioned above.

    Unfortunately, the deployment wizard doesn’t know about that, and will bail out stating that the required hotfix is missing! (Grrr….)

    If, like me, you found yourself in this situation, you can follow this TechNet Blogs guide to use DISM to tell the system the hotfix has been installed without having to roll back any more recent patches.

    Have Fun!


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Andrew Morpeth
Andrew Morpeth
Andrew is a Modern Workplace Consultant specialising in Microsoft technologies based in Auckland, New Zealand; Andrew is a Director and Professional Services Manager at Lucidity Cloud Services and a Microsoft MVP.

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