This is a follow on from my article about Microsoft Teams Guest Access’ release and how to configure it for your tenant; go there if you need to get your tenant configured.
This article will show you more about how to use Microsoft Teams Guest Access as I uncover things based on personal experience.
Before you get started make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft Teams installed:
Adding a Guest
Now that things are configured, you can start inviting guests to participate in your Teams.
This is no different to adding a team member from within your organisation, except that you would use the full email address of the guest you want to add:
Right now guests invited to Microsoft Teams will need a Azure Active Directory account, but later it will be possible for anyone with a Microsoft Account (MSA) to be invited as a guest in to Microsoft Teams.
Once you click add, Microsoft Teams will do a check to make sure the account exists in Azure AD.
Here we are successful:
Here is a failure:
Here’s a quick video that walks you though a similar process to adding a new guest:
Guest Invitation
When a guest is invited to join a team, they receive a welcome email message that includes some information about the team and what to expect now that they’re a member. The guest must redeem the invitation in the email message before they can access the team and its channels.
Clicking “Open Microsoft Teams” will take you to a page where you can accept the invitation:
Click “Next”, then depending on your settings Microsoft Teams should open, or you will be presented with the following page where you can make a choice:
Switching Between Organisations
When you are a member of Team in more than one organisation, you can switch between them from the main menu. Below you can see I am a member of Teams owned by the organisations “Lexel Systems Limited” and “Andrew Morpeth” (my demo tenant):
When you switch between organisations, you’ll leave the current one; you cant have both open at the same time. If you are working in a web browser you may see the following message from the organisation that is not currently active:
I hope you found this useful, I’d love to hear your experiences with Microsoft Teams Guest Access. I will update this article as I learn more so check back soon!